In Warrington Golden Square a few of the students from Warrington Collegiate were chosen to display their garments made by using recycled materials such as, denim, crisp packets, tea bags and more. I am one of the students that was chosen and the garment is my Alice in Wonderland inspired garment that i created in my recycle project way back in my first year of college. I also, had to go to the Golden Square for a photo shoot that was later put into Warrington Guardian on the 21st April.2011.
I really enjoyed joining in with this as, I feel recycling should be a part of everyday life for everyone as it's really important to look after our planet and stop waste that can we reused from filling up landfill and creating less and less space to dump our waste. So, next time your about to bin something THINK! , 'Could this product be recycled?'
..........Recycle for a healthy planet.....
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