Tuesday, 24 May 2011

........Designs for my garment......

After, my research I decided on a colour scheme by doing some rough sketches and trying out different colours together using water colours.  These colours came from my mood boards and I decided on the colour scheme of green and black as, they stand out from each other and they are not typical circus colours. Here are some of my designs:   

It took me a while to decide on which design i would choose for my final garment but eventually i decided on this design:

My Final Dress !


Saturday, 14 May 2011

......Sketching the circus......

Here are two of my observational drawings from when i went the circus:


Tuesday, 10 May 2011

.....Creating the mood....

If you have looked at my earlier blog on my final major I have put up some pics of my mood boards and on this post i am going to talk about what i have researched to create these mood boards. 

I first looked into who designed for the singer Pink when she wore circus costumes in her music video. I found out that it was the designer Bob Mackie that designed them. Bob Mackie is a costume designer who was born on the 24th March.1940 in Monterey Park, California, United States and here are a few of his designs that Pink wore:

Also, I came across a photo shoot called, 'The chicest show on earth' in this they stick to the primary colours of red, yellow and blue these are usually found on circus garment. However, they mix them with darker colours for the garments to make them stand out from the background. The photo shoot is by a creative marketing agency called, Laspata DeCaro that are based in New York and were founded in 1989. Here are a few images from the shoot: 

In my research i came across loads of different things inspired by the circus but one of my favourites that i came across is a photographer called, Wendy Bevan the reason why is because she does her shoots very different to all the ones that i have seen as, they are not perfectly clear images and have been made to look old and some the models are even moving to create a rough look. here are a few from, 'The freak show' which is circus themed: 

Another, thing that I came across while I was researching was a charity called, 'Circus Child', that helps to support community based circus groups all over the world.They aim to spread messages about the health and education of performers. The thing that drawn me to this charity was the photo's that they use to promote their charity as, they are in the theme of circus here are some of them: 

I also, came across a designer called Anna Sui who created a collection in 2010 with the theme of circus. She showed her dedication for fashion at a young age as, she loved to dress up her dolls as if they were at the academy awards. Here are a few of her designs:


Tuesday, 3 May 2011

........Advertising the end of year show.......

For the end of year show I have been making various posters to try out different layouts for a poster to advertise the show. I haven't yet chosen my final poster so I will upload my final poster when I have decided on it. Here are some of my poster idea's:


Tuesday, 26 April 2011

.......Circus Combined with Elizabethan.....

For my final major project in my second year of Level 3 national diploma in fashion and clothing I have chosen to combine circus with Elizabethan. The reason for this is because I came across an image from Vivienne Westwood 's Comic Relief 2011 collection and one of the images the model is wearing an Elizabethan ruff and it reminds me of a clowns ruff. I feel that these things work very well together. Here is the image:

I have also, done much more research for this project and created two mood boards:


Monday, 25 April 2011

......Don't dump it ! Recycle it !......

In Warrington Golden Square a few of the students from Warrington Collegiate were chosen to display their garments made by using recycled materials such as, denim, crisp packets, tea bags and more. I am one of the students that was chosen and the garment is my Alice in Wonderland inspired garment that i created in my recycle project way back in my first year of college. I also, had to go to the Golden Square for a photo shoot that was later put into Warrington Guardian on the 21st April.2011.

 I really enjoyed joining in with this as, I feel recycling should be a part of everyday life for everyone as it's really important to look after our planet and stop waste that can we reused from filling up landfill and creating less and less space to dump our waste. So, next time your about to bin something THINK! , 'Could this product be recycled?'

..........Recycle for a healthy planet.....

Monday, 21 February 2011

.....The Clowness recreated.....

The day of the photo shoot it started off with doing my hair and makeup. This went well as; it was how I wanted it to be. The reason why I chose to have tears going down my cheek is because, in the original painting of The Clowness is off stage and is uncovering what’s underneath her stage mask. So, I’ve brought that same idea into my photo shoot in a way that everything may not be as it seems.

This photographs above and below is to show the makeup and hair they have not been edited.

After, these photographs were taken I then got two chairs and put red fabric over them. I then sat on the chairs in the same position as; The Clowness was in the painting I have chosen. Here is a few of them that haven’t been edited:

After, the photo shoot i edited my photo by putting a background in and changing colours and more. Here is my final image next to original painting:

..........Click, Flash, Boom.......