Tuesday, 16 November 2010


The first time that black could be worn outside of a mourning period was in 1926, when Coco Chanel introduced,"the little black dress". The little black dress is a short simple black dress that can be worn for absolutely anything and never goes out of style. 

The reason why I have a little bit Of history on the little black dress on this post is because im now going to explain the project that I just completed of "the little black dress". The brief that i was given explained that I had to research the history of the little black dress; produce mood boards; research designs; design little black dresses and hats to match them. However, for this project I had to make a hat/ head piece as, this project was only two weeks long so I couldn't make both the dress and head piece.

These are a few images on the ideas I had on my hat designs and I used some of these on my mood board. 

The reason why I chose to look at bows is  because I researched the character of dorothy in the Wizard of Oz the 1939 film when bows first became a popular hair piece.

After, all of this I went onto designing then making my head piece. I will get photographs of these asap.

.........Lions and tigers and bears! oh, my!!....

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

.......Rusty wheels.....

The very first project of my second year , that I have completed was a project titled, "Shape and Structure", this project lasted five weeks. I decided to use the 19th century hoop undergarment in my research as, we as a class in college went on a trip to the Platt hall gallery. While, I was there I saw a hoop undergarment from the 19th century on display.

After, seeing this in the gallery I decided to use this as part of my theme as, it links in well with the title, "Shape and Structure. I gathered more photographs from the internet of hoop underskirts and corsets to create a mood board. Here are a few of them....

Photograph of mood board coming soon....

Rust and wheels was the other theme for this project as I like the shapes and colours made in these. I took many photographs of wheels and tires and rusty things.....

This is a photograph that I took of a rusty wheel then I edited it in photoshop. I edited the image in a way that I could see the shapes bolder that the rust had made within the wheel.

feathered wheel.

When I had completed all my sketchbook work and fashion designs I came to sketch my final fashion design and then went on to make my garment.

This is the front of the top of my dress.

The back of the top of my dress.

This is my final garment from a photo-shoot i did and this image has been edited on photoshop.

This is the photograph before i edited it on photo shop:

Just another hoop skirt picture I adore.
